I often get clients who start working with me in their later years in life. At first, they don’t think they will be able to make great changes. Because of their age, they are skeptical about being able to get physically stronger. What they eventually learn is that even people who start working out later in life can quickly see that their bodies adapt and make physical changes as well!
Meet Ray
I write this blog because I want my client Ray to motivate others and show them it’s never too late get started. Ray and I started working together 16 years ago. Ray, who was 55 at the time, was looking to make some changes. He wanted to lose weight, feel better, and just be able to do the things he enjoyed doing. Now at 71 years young, and after all these years of working together, Ray is still killing it in the gym.
Ray’s Workout Plan
When Ray started working with me, he was given his own personal meal plan and fitness program follow. Ray took his program seriously. He worked out three times a week and did cardio on his own. In addition, he also followed the nutrition plan I had provided for him. In just over 3 months, Ray lost 40 pounds.
Not only did Ray lose weight, but he felt great and was doing all the things he loved to do with a new and healthier body.
Q&A With Ray
It’s not easy for anyone to reach their goals and it wasn’t easy for Ray. Let’s see how Ray was able to reach his goals and despite getting back in to working out at the age of 55 and he’s still going strong 16 years later.
Q: When you got back in to working out at the age of 55, did you think it was too late to start?
A: I really did not know what to expect. My wife prepaid for something like 6 sessions after I told her I had been running out of gas at work every afternoon. She thought the exercise would help my energy level and I thought there would be nothing to lose by trying it. It was a gift from her, and I still think it was one of the best gifts she could have possibly given to me. It was very thoughtful.
Q: Was it easy to jump right back in to working out or did you have to take it slow and get back in to the swing of things?
A: Fortunately, you [Travis] understood how important it is to work into things slowly. We even joked about how often people go to the gym and completely overdo things in that first session, only to find out they are unable to move two days later! There were times in the beginning when I thought we were taking it too easy. My trainer knew what he was doing and stepped things up gradually. It helped me maintain an interest in continuing with the workouts, which have been a part of my life for the past 16 years.
Q: When you first started, one of your goals was to lose weight. You lost 40 pounds. With business trips, family gatherings, and vacation, how were you able to stay mentally focused and achieve your weight loss goal?
A: The first and most important part as you mention was to establish a goal. I set my sights on reaching that goal. With your help, we kept track of weight and other measurements on a weekly basis. Seeing the progress was an important part of the process as it validated the hard work and diet change. Let’s face it, going from eating anything and everything in portions far above what is needed for a healthy diet, to sticking with a meal plan was not easy. Business travel was always a challenge. In my case, eating what I knew to be the healthy choices and in moderate portions kept me on track. I did not want to come back knowing I would have to gain back lost ground. I think part of achieving any goal is to think enough of yourself to stick with it. It is easy to make excuses. In my case I did not want to let myself down. I owed it to myself to stay the course. I wanted to feel the pride that comes with achieving a difficult goal. It was worth it.
Q: How has working out and having a healthy lifestyle helped you enjoy your hobbies as you stay young at heart?
A: This is a beautiful question and one that I could go on about. I have felt that the workout routine which has become an important part of my life has given me the opportunity to do whatever I want. I water skied last summer for the first time in my life. I started snow skiing (late in life) and can make it down some challenging terrain. I play golf, wade fish and duck hunt, slosh through the mud, you name it. I cannot function like I did as an 18-year-old athlete, but I can do anything I want which is a freedom that is difficult to describe with words.
Q: What tips can you give anyone who thinks it’s too late to start their new healthy lifestyle?
A: First and foremost, understand that you really can do it. You have to believe in it. Change takes place slowly so never get discouraged. Set small goals that are realistic. Each time you reach one of those goals it is a milestone. Be proud of yourself. Don’t be intimidated. Be patient. Know that it will help you live longer, and more than that, improve your quality of life. It is the absolute best gift that you can give to yourself. Never give up.
You Too Can Lose Weight Like Ray
It’s not easy for anyone to get started on their fitness journey, but it’s never too late. If you have a goal to achieve, you can always get started. You just need to have a plan. Starting your own personalized fitness and nutrition will definitely get you on the right track. Getting started on the right track means starting your journey on the way to your new healthy lifestyle. As we all live life doing the things we love to do, a healthy lifestyle will help us to do the things we love to do for a lot longer. Don’t wait to get started on your journey! Let today be the beginning of your new healthy lifestyle.
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