It’s not often, but sometimes I do indulge in fast food. Just the other day I pulled up to the golden arches and ordered my favorite double beef patties burger and fries.
Once I got home, I started my occasional cheat day eating ritual. I dropped down on the couch, ripped my Mickey D’s bag sideways, and enjoyed my Big Mac and fries.
After I finished eating, I was tired, sluggish, and all I wanted to do was nap.
As my eyes weighed heavily, I laid on the couch watching tv, thinking to myself, “I’m sure I’m not the only person who feels like this after eating this type of food.” Then, I passed out like a bear after dusk.
Common Foods That Make You Feel Sluggish
If you ever find yourself feeling sluggish after meals, it’s probably because you’re eating foods that can a negative effect on you physically. These are a list of the most common foods and beverages that can create that sluggish feeling.
- Fast Food
- Alcohol
- Fried Foods
- Foods you are unknowingly allergic to
The Effects of Eating Fast Food
They call it fast food for a reason. It’s made quick, it’s cheap, and it fills you up! The perfect trifecta for anyone who is constantly on-the-go. For most of us who live a fast pace work-week, eating fast food is inevitable. Because of this, we won’t be able to make a nutritious meal at home. In turn, we’re most likely going to pick our favorite fast food restaurant and grab a quick bit to go.
Although we rarely enjoy a fast-food meal, just one meal can have a negative effect on us. One reason is because fast food is typically high in fat. Digesting these fats require diversion of blood and oxygen to your digestive system away from your organs and muscles, which can cause fatigue.
Another reason is because certain refined carbs that are in fast food can cause a glucose spike when digested which will cause a brief moment of energy but will soon be followed by fatigue.
The Effects of Drinking Alcohol
Do you enjoy those late night nightcaps right before bedtime to “relax”?
Truth be told, some of us actually feel a little sleepy after that drink. Why? That’s because alcohol depresses our central nervous system.
In fact, alcohol creates a sedative effect that helps you to relax and makes you feel drowsy.
To be clear, this is not the same drowsiness you feel after you get a good night’s rest. Typically, alcohol affects everyone differently, but for the most part, it does create a lethargic feeling that lasts for a short time.
Some of us even believe that alcohol helps us with sleeping better. Sorry Jeopardy fans, but this is false. Although alcohol might help you fall asleep quicker, it isn’t always the best way to catch some Z’s. This is because alcohol could mess with your quality and quantity of sleep.
The Effects of Eating Fried Foods
Just like fast food, fried foods are also high in fat, which we all know can lead to underlying health issues. Heart disease, diabetes, high cholesterol and digestive issues are just a few examples of the high risk factors of eating fast food.
Fried foods are generally also low in fiber. In addition, fried foods are also low in vitamins, minerals, and other vital nutrients.
When you eat fried foods, you might feel overly full which could also zap your energy levels. On the other hand, eating nutrient-rich foods can help boost and maintain your energy levels.
The Effects of Eating Foods That You Are Allergic To
Sometimes we have an unknown allergy to certain foods. Food allergies have been known to negatively affect the body’s ability to absorb nutrients we need. This could unfortunately lead to nutritional deficiencies that could leave you feeling lethargic and sluggish. Because of this, it’s quite possible that a food intolerance could be causing your fatigue.
Be Mindful of What You Eat And Drink
At one point or another, we’re going to occasionally enjoy some fast food or an alcoholic beverage. The main thing I wanted you to know is that fast food or alcohol could be why you possibly feel sluggish after splurging some.
If you feel sluggish and tired pretty often despite not splurging, you might have a food intolerance. If you feel like this is the case, you may want to contact your physician for an allergy test. Most importantly, be mindful and pay attention to your body and how you feel after you eat or drink, so you know how your body reacts to whatever your body is digesting.
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